
Friday, June 28, 2013

FO Friday 6.4

Happy Friday!!

Its the last Friday of the month and normally I would have my monthly wrap-up to share today but I've been so busy I haven't gotten around to making one plus we still have this weekend left in the month meaning I could always finish something else. 

Speaking of finished projects, I did manage to finish one project just yesterday. Its my very own design that I have been working on since Tuesday!
Meet Santino the Stingray!

I know its not the best picture but I finished it in the afternoon when there wasn't much sun left so I'll take more pictures today. 

It looks like I will be having a very busy weekend!
- I need to make two cute Ice Cream cones (pattern test for Monster's Toy Box)
-Crochet Clue 1 of the Freshstitches Amber Mystery CAL
-Finish Updating Emilia the Elephant Pattern in time to the my CAL that starts Monday!
-Make another sample of Santino and take pictures for the pattern.
-Attempt to finish Hector (one of my secret patterns)
If I manage to finish all of that, which I doubt, I also want to work on my Bella Shawl that I started back in April and its still not finished! :)

Have a great Weekend!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wip Wednesday 6.4

Happy Wednesday!

I'm so excited! I started two new designs, one Monday and one yesterday and both are going really well. Here is a sneak peek of one. Any guesses?
I'm planning to get them finished and out to testers by July 5th, giving them 3 weeks to work on them and get back to me by July 26th, I would release both together on July 30th. I'm planning on offering the same coupon of buying both together and saving $2 that I offered with the fox and wolf patterns. 

For those of you who do not know I started my own group on Ravelry: Adrialys Handmade Designs, and I am having my first CAL start on Monday, July 1st and ends Monday, July 29th. Its an Elephant CAL using my own pattern Emilia the Elephant so come join us!

I'm also participating in the Freshstitches Mystery CAL. I'm hoping to get started on clue 1 sometime this weekend before the second clue is released. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Fo Friday 6.3

I finished 2 projects yesterday! First is this clutch ball. Its actually pretty fast to make. I'm thinking of making another with boy colors. 
The second project is this adorable doll. I named her Penelope. The pattern is designed by Freshstitches. I love her hair, she turned out better than I expected. I will definitely be making more eventhough they are time consuming.  
Well that's it for me this week. 
Have a great Weekend!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wip Wednesday 6.3

This weekend I didn't get any work done at all. On Saturday we celebrated my cousin's 15th birthday with a big party. In Mexican culture turning 15 is a big deal. After all the partying, Sunday was a lazy day for me so now I am rushing to get the doll for the Freshstitches doll-a-long finished by tomorrow.

I am working on the dress now and after that the body will be finished. I also made the hair pieces. After all that is finished I will need to make the head and face features, then add the hair. I think I can finish it up today but we will have to see. 

I was excited that my package from Craftsy arrived today. I ordered several Cascade Heritage colors that were on sale and I also ordered this Kit that comes with a spindle. I can't wait to get started as I have never tried doing it before. I probably don't get to it this week but hopefully soon!

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, June 14, 2013

FO Friday 6.2

I finished 3 animals this week! All from different designers too!

First I finished this clownfish designed by Kaori (pawpaw5 on ravelry). It was one of my brother's birthday gifts and he loved it. Its a great pattern!

Second, I finished another Freshstitches Pattern. I made a panda and he will be added to the shop soon. 

Lastly, I finished another elephant from my own pattern. Emilia the Elephant! This one will also be added to my Etsy shop soon.

Well that's it for me this week. 
Have a great Weekend!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wip Wednesday 6.2

This week I have a lot of projects I am working on. First I started another design. I actually have about 4 others that I haven't finished yet. I like having options. This one is going well so far and I think it will probably be the next pattern I release.

I finally got started on the doll for the Freshstitches Doll-a-long which ends next week. I only have a leg and 2 arms but I am hoping to get some work done in the next 2 days since I am going to be busy this weekend and probably won't have time to work on it. 

I also got some assembling done on the Panda I started so long ago. I want to try to finish it up for Friday along with the elephant I was working on last week. I finished all of the crocheting all that is left is the assembling. 

Chloe from Amination Blog designed both Hoops & YoYo which are Hallmark characters. She is offering them free on her blog and they are so cute. I started working on YoYo this week and so far this is what I have done. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fo Friday 6.1

This week I only have 2 tiny owls to share!
I have a couple of other projects I am close to finishing so I will share those next week!

I'm planning on making more of these to add to the shop!

For those who didn't read my post Wednesday, I have started my own group on Ravelry!
Its for those who are fans of my designs to share Wips & Fo's, join Cals, get help, make suggestions and make new friends!

I'm planning my first CAL that will start on July 1st! It will be an Elephant CAL with my pattern Emilia the Elephant so make sure a get her in time for the CAL and join us!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wip Wednesday 6.1

I'm so excited to share that I have started my own group on Ravelry!
Its for those who are fans of my designs to share Wips & Fo's, join Cals, get help, make suggestions and make new friends!

I'm planning my first CAL that will start on July 1st! It will be an Elephant CAL with my pattern Emilia the Elephant so make sure a get her in time for the CAL and join us!

On another note I've continued to work on my Bella Shawl. I am half way done with the last repeat of Chart 2! After that I am almost done since I am only doing Chart 3 once. If everything goes as planned I should be able to finish it up this weekend. 

I also bought a new pattern this weekend. Its the Clutch Ball by Kara Gunza. It works up really quickly I only have 2 more pieces to make. 

I also started another Emilia the Elephant this time in a darker purple. I am working on adding new items to my Etsy shop and this will be one of them.

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!