
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Wrap Up

Its the last day in 2014 and as usual I will have a wrap up post to share the highlights of the year!

I designed 12 new patterns this year and redesigned one. 

Now for what I made this year...
I finished a total of 118 projects! With 80+ being toys!

Last year I mentioned I had 45 UFO's I wanted to finish the biggest one being the army of tiny owls. Well I finished 15 of them this year and only have 6 more to go. This year I only have 26 UFO's which is a huge improvement! That's it for this year, see you next year!
Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Selling Patterns to EU Countries

I don’t know how many of you have heard that there will be changes to how VAT is collected on digital products starting January 1st for EU countries.
VAT will now be charged based on where the customer is located not the seller. Meaning you will have to pay VAT on top of the cost of the pattern. The amount you will pay varies as each country has its own tax. While I don’t like these new rules, I have to follow them.
In order to keep selling my patterns to everyone, I have chosen to use Ravelry’s solution of selling to these countries using They collect and file the tax so I don’t have to. Can you imagine having to file taxes to 28 countries?
Please take a moment to read this for complete information: 
The good news is that patterns will still be added to your ravelry accounts and you can pay using your PayPal account as usual.
Patterns have been imported to Love Knitting and are waiting to be approved and published. They may be temporarily unavailable to people in these countries for a couple of days. is resolving the problem of filing the taxes myself for my Ravelry pattern shop but a similar option is not available for Craftsy so I have decided to close my Craftsy shop. All my patterns will be available through Ravelry and LoveKnitting only from now on. 
Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 Goals

Every year I list a set of goals I would like to accomplish in the New Year and every year I fail to accomplish any...

This year I am determined to actually keep up with the goals I set at the beginning of the year. My goals overall are pretty much the same every year but I think my main issue is I try to do too much. 

Goals for 2015

1. Set work hours & stick to them. 
I've never set work hours because since I'm single with no kids I don't have a ton of other things I need to do. So I spend most of the day working on designing or making things to sell and I've noticed I haven't been able to knit or crochet just for fun in a really long time. Its always business related crocheting and I have to say I really miss knitting! There are so many projects I want to make for myself and next year I will do so. 

2. Get Organized and Stay Organized
This is one of those I goals I have every year and I never follow through. I'm already working on setting a schedule so I can stay organized. I'm going to really try this year because my main issues are I can never find what I'm looking for and I don't even know what I have anymore. I even have a plan to blog about my progress on Mondays!

3. Use Stash Yarn
This is another one of those I have every year. I actually came up with a solution that I hope will work out. I'm planning on taking inventory at the beginning of 2015 so I know how much yarn I have to work with. My Ravelry stash page needs a serious update so I'll keep up with it that way. Then I will look for patterns to use with the yarn that I have available instead of looking for patterns that I need to buy yarn to make. 

4. Don't set high expectations. 
I have a tendency of wanting to do too much. Last year in my goals I had make 1 shawl a month, release 2 new patterns a month, and add at least 5 new items to Etsy shop a month. I don't know what I was thinking! How am I supposed to do all that in only 1 month? I think I need to be more realistic on what I can actually do in a month and take it slow. Maybe I can try to release at least 1 pattern and month and try to add 1 new item a week to my Etsy shop. It seems more possible to accomplish that. If I am able to do more than that, great, if not that's okay too. 

That's only 4 reasonable goals next year. Hopefully I can follow through. 
Do you have any goals you want to accomplish in the new year?

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, December 26, 2014

Supersized FO Friday!

The last time I shared a finished project was back in September! I've finished lots of things since then so we are making this Friday a long post. 

I participated in a Mystery CAL back in September and this is the cutie that was made!

Its hard to see this next one but this is the only picture I have. I crocheted 3 ladybugs and they are on the table below the green cake. My niece's 1st birthday was ladybug themed so they were perfect.

I also made 3 starfish,

2 deer,

2 butterflies,

2 elephants,

5 ducklings,

4 baby penguins,

a tiny pig, a tiny cow,

a tiny frog, a bookworm,

4 tiny owls,

and 9 pairs of fingerless mittens.

I finished a shawl and blanket I started back in 2013 that I will share when I get a chance to take a picture for the 2014 Wrap up post. I will also take a look at what goals this year I accomplished and set new ones for the next year!

Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I'm back! I was preparing for craft fairs and getting for the holidays that I didn't have time to blog as much as I would have liked. I'm hoping to get better at managing things next year. For now I just want to wish everyone a


I hope everyone,including those that done celebrate, are having a wonderful day! 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Shop Sundays

Etsy Shop Update

This past week I only listed 2 new items, Tiny Bears and Tiny Elephants. There are several color options for each.

Check out my new items!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

FO Friday

I thought I had scheduled this post but apparently I forgot so its a little late but we are going to pretend its Friday...

Today I'm sharing all the projects I haven't shared since August 22nd (the last FO Friday I shared). First here are all the rattles I finished months ago and haven't gotten around to sharing.

I finished a second sample of my bear pattern that will be released on Friday. The pattern will include instructions on making ears for both brown and black bears.

I also designed a small version of my bear.

Here it is compared to the standard size one.

That's it for this Friday. I'm still working on my toddler blanket. I don't think it will be finished for next Friday but I'll share my progress on Wednesday. I haven't had too much time to work on it since I'm currently in the middle of cleaning and reorganizing my craft room so we will see how much I get done.

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Blanket & a Mystery CAL

It's WIP Wednesday!

I've been busy working on decorations for my niece's first birthday and haven't done a lot of crocheting but I do have something to share today. 

What am I working on?

I started this over a year ago before my niece was born. Next month she is turning one so I decided its time to finish it. I'm making it a little bigger so I have about 11 rounds to do.

The next thing I've been working on is a mystery CAL. I won't share a picture today because I don't want to spoil the surprise but I'll share as soon as the CAL is over.

That's it for today. I have a couple things to share on Friday so see you then!

Thanks for stopping by and for your comments! Remember to check out FO Fridays!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Shop Sunday!

Etsy Shop Update

I added 7 new items this week and also updated the pictures on almost all my other items! I got a lot of work done these past weeks. Now I am going to start working on my tags in hopes to increase views. I currently have 39 items for sale. I have 54 days till November and still need 61 new items so I'll probably add multiples on a couple of days. I will be adding a new item soon to expand what I am selling. More details soon!

Check out my new items!