
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Works in Progress: Cross Stitch Towel

I recently started getting interested in learning how to cross stitch. My mother doesn't know how so I had to find out another way. I remember a couple of months ago my mother's friend tried teaching her how to do it and I was there paying some attention so I knew how to do the basic stitches but I needed to know how to start and finish. I found some videos on YouTube which somewhat helped me so I was ready to get started. But like everything else I started a couple of different projects and haven't really worked on any of them so I didn't have any to show on here. I know its a bad habit but I can't help it. 
This time I started yet another project. It was supposed to be my mother's day present for my mom but its taking me a long time to complete especially because I can only work on it for a while in the afternoons. Its a towel and picture above shows the design that will be on the towel. My mom has been asking me to make her one so I know she will really like it. In the picture below you can see how much I have done so far after a couple of days of work. I was getting tired of working with the blues because some are so light they blend in with the towel so I started one of the flowers and only finished half of the butterfly. I hope to finish it in about two weeks even though it will probably take longer.

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