
Monday, June 4, 2012

Busy Monday...

Okay so this is going to be a very busy week for me. I am leaving for Mexico in exactly two weeks from today. I am very excited but I have lots to do before then. We like to leave the house completely clean whenever we are going to be gone for more than a week so I'm in charge of cleaning mainly two rooms. My bedroom in which I have to wash all my clothes that I'm taking and pack them into the luggage which is easy but time consuming because its a lot to wash. Mostly because we will be gone for a month and I like to take a lot of clothes so I have options. There is nothing wrong with that right? I also have my yarn stash in a corner of my room and some completed projects I have to organize which doesn't require a lot of time. The other room is actually supposed to be the the computer room/office but its mostly turned into my knitting/crochet room. I have most of my works in progress and a lot of yarn in that room. Its in need of a lot of cleaning and organizing. I have been meaning to do something about it for a while now but just never really got around to it and now I know its going to take forever to do and I have to get it done before I leave. 
So this week is mostly going to be me doing all of that. But I hope it doesn't take to long and I can get some works in progress done also before I leave. I have a couple amigurumi started that I really want to finish up because I don't want to have to wait a month to see them completed. I have two that are from the class I'm taking on craftsy which is a deer and a raccoon that I'm working on now. I will probably not get a chance to work on them until later on this week but its okay as long as I get them done this weekend or next week. 
Something I am super excited about is that I will be doing some knitting while in Mexico and that's because my aunt want to learn to knit and the most experienced knitter (me :)) in are whole family is going to be there for an entire month. That's plenty of time to teach someone right? It's actually going to be the first time I try teaching someone who doesn't know at all how to knit so I hope it goes well. 
For the remainder of the day I will be working on my blog post for WIP Wednesday and FO Friday so I have that out of the way. And attempt to get started on my cleaning. For now I am going to share a baby bootie I was working on this weekend. I didn't do the second one yet so I only have one to share. Have a great week and remember to come back and check out WIP Wednesday!

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