
Friday, June 15, 2012

FO Friday: Too many animals!

Okay so last week I was so excited with my deer I completely forgot to show my owl which I had finished before finishing my deer! Goes to show how excited I really was about that one. I love this owl he is adorable! I am already thinking of other color combinations that would look good so I might have an army of owls in a couple months! For those interested in making one of there owl its Nelson the Owl by Stacey Trock.

Next up is the snail I started a while ago but had him on standby until this weekend. I wanted to make sure to finish him this week and I did. I loved how he turned out! I got to say I'm not a huge fan of snails but this one is too cute! One of my favorites from Stacey Trock's book Crocheted Softies.

This week Stacey announced a CAL and being that I love all of her designs I had to join in. To enter you have to make a cow and here is the one I made. For more info on joining in the fun here is the link to her ravelry group. Also if you didn't check out my wip wednesday post here is a link to that also so you can see my inspiration for this cow!
 Some unexpected things came up yesterday and I wasn't able to finish her but I will finish her later but I did want to show what I have so far. All I need to do is sew her up and she's done. I think I am going to show her completely done next week. 

Last but not least is my raccoon! I am finally finished with all the animals from my craftsy class! I highly recommend this class to anyone who doesn't know how to make amigurumi. Its a great class! Even those who know how should sign up for it because all four of the animals are super cute! If you want to know more about it I talked about it in my post here.
For more FO's check out Tami's Blog!


  1. Oh my days they are all just so cute! Your so clever!

  2. What a fun post! I love all of your animals, you are so talented.

  3. They are just fantastic, well done, I love them all!

  4. ooooh, I can't decide which one is my favorite! See, now I really want to crochet. They are too cute.

    1. Crocheting is a lot of fun especially when making things like these, you should try it. Stacey Trock, the designer of all the stuff animals I have made, has a class on if your interested you should check it out. It's great for beginners and it comes with four stuffed animals for you to make. Here the link

  5. Oooh they are all so adorable..I can't decide which one is my favorite...The owl the the snail...Ohh who am I kidding I love them all

    1. Thank you! I'm the same way I can't pick just one!

  6. They are all great! The owl is my favourite though. :-)

  7. Those are incredibly cute! I think the snail is my favourite - what an awesome colour for his shell!

  8. You are quick! They turned out great, I really like the racoon.

  9. Lovely animals, the snail is my favorite!

  10. It seems you might need a farm to keep all your cute little critters in!

    1. Yes I think so and I still have many more to complete!

  11. I am in awe at how quickly you are completing all of these! And your work is just beautiful!!! Well done!

  12. They're so cute! I just recently got one of her books. You've inspired me to join the crochet along!

    1. Thank you! That's great the more the better! Can't wait to see what yours looks like!

  13. Very very cute :) I just love those cuddly amigurumi's


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