
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Dragons!

This weekend I started two dragons for the Freshstitches CAL. For the first one I am using one of the combinations I had thought about and had ya'll vote for. It was actually in 4th place but I decided to make one with it. Especially since I had already visualized what I wanted it to look like. This one is different from the first two dragons I made. I decided to add frills and the standard tail. I think I want to add horns but am undecided on whether to use the short or long ones. 

The second one is made using the Cascade 220 Superwash I bought on Saturday. I love this yarn! Its so different from any other yarn I have used before. I can see why so many people like using it. This one is more similar to the first two I made except for it also has the standard tail instead of the arrow tail. I think I am going to use long horns for it. 

I added these two for those interested in seeing the first two dragons I made just in case ya'll haven't seen them before.

Remember this Friday I am showing the group picture of all 18 animals I made from the book Crocheted Softies! You don't want to miss it they are super cute! 

For more WIP's check out Tami's Blog!


  1. So cute! I have got to learn how to crochet!

  2. So cute! I love your dragons, they look great.

  3. They are so cute!!! The best so far for me!

  4. Those are coming right along (and turned out adorable!). I cannot wait to see the finished project. :)

  5. Omgosh they are so cuuute!
    And then my son runs in the room and gets this mischievous look on his face and goes, "Dragons!" while looking at me pleadingly. ;)

  6. Eek! Their cuteness is unbearable! I personally suggest using long horns with the side frills for the first dragon. :)

    Also, I'm *super* excited to see the family picture! Is Friday here yet?!

  7. Mmm, I love working with Cascade. Can't wait for the super-cuteness on Friday!


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