
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday!

This past week I have been trying to finish up the animals from Crocheted Softies. I finished the orangutan last week but I still need to sew him up. He will be done for FO Friday for sure! I don't really think it looks like an orangutan but I  like the color combination.

This weekend I got a lot done on my snake! I finished 154 rows and only have 45 more to do for the body before starting on the head. I have been thinking on what color I should do it pink or green and was thinking green but I might decided to add some pink into it. I am hoping to finish this one up for Friday too. 

 The last animal I need to finish is the moose and only have this much done, one antler and the head. I will probably finish him for Friday at least I would like to. My plan is to work on him today and get all the parts crocheted. Hopefully I can sew them both and have them ready for Friday. That would leave all day Thursday to work on the snake and finish him up.

On Monday Stacey released the pattern Murray the Squirrel I had pre-ordered a couple weeks ago. I obviously couldn't wait and started him that same day. I finished all the parts and am ready to start the body. Since the head and body are one piece its better to crochet all the other pieces first because you will need to sew them on before the hole is too small to fit your hand. I love the tail. I have only worked on the loop stitch a little but I really like it and I think I am getting better at it. I don't think this one will be done this Friday but you never know :)

Lastly I have been thinking of possible color combinations for my dragon for Stacey's Dragon CAL starting this Thursday, August 16th. I will probably not get a chance to start on mine until this weekend or possibly next week but that's actually a good thing because I am really undecided on colors. Here are the possible color combinations I was thinking of and was hoping ya'll would help me out by voting. They are numbered and you can vote by commenting below preferably voting for your top 3 favorites! Thanks!












  1. My favourites are 2, 6, 1 - in that order.

    Can't wait to see it :)

  2. My favourite colour combos are: 2, 9 and 4 :-)

  3. My favs would be 2,5,6, good luck deciding.
    All your animals are adorable!

  4. I like 3, 5, and 9 - in that order.

    Still loving the snake. Can't wait to see it finished. Although your orangutan looks very monkey-like, so does the one in the book. No problem - it's still darling!

  5. Love the color of the snake! Looking forward to see the amigurumis done.

  6. My favorites are 5, 1, and 10.
    Your wips are looking great, but I think your orangutan looks a lot more like a chimpanzee. Just the color, I suppose.

  7. order would be 1, 4, 6... wonderful will be fun to see them all finished!

  8. Your softies area all very adorable! I definitely think you'll have a primate once you seam and stuff.:-D As far as the color combos, I like option #1! I think that would make a fantastic dragon!


Thank you for your comments! :)