
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Monsters & a New Design!

First, I want to announce that my Etsy Shop Adrialys Handmade Creations will open on Monday, November 12! I'm so excited! I added a tab under pages on the left which is linked to my Etsy. Right now it only takes you to my profile page. You can add me to your circle if you would like and make sure to check it out when it opens. I will of course keep posting about it until then. :)

On to what I was doing this past weekend. Well since its Halloween I decided to work on some Monsters! I was working on the monsters available for free on I finished two and still have these four more to do. Most of the parts I finished crocheting and all I need to do now is sew them up. I doubt that I will get all four done by Friday but I do have two monsters to show. Any of these that I finish will be an extra treat. 

The one other thing that I worked on is my first amigurumi that I am designing. My brothers girlfriend asked me if I could make her this animal and since I didn't have a pattern of this animal already available I decided I would try to design it myself. So far I have part of the head finished. I'm really excited about it because I think its going to look awesome! I'm not going to tell you what animal it is but as I make some progress you will be able to guess. I'm thinking that if everything goes as planned I will make the pattern available for purchase. 

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!


  1. Looking forward to your little monsters, they are being cute when you've finished:)

  2. Congrats on the new Etsy shop! I hope it's a huge success! The little monsters will be lovely in your inventory.

  3. Hooray that you have an ETA for your Etsy shop!
    Man, look at all those body parts! Your hook must've been flyin'. One thing I love about crochet is that you can stop anywhere and join anywhere w/out worrying you'll lose sts.


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