
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WIP Wednesday

This week I am focusing on 4 things. Only 3 of which I will actually show in this post. Sorry the pictures are not very good. The one thing I am working on that I will not have a picture of is a pattern I am testing. It's not a secret I just don't have a picture so I won't give anymore details for now. Maybe you will see the completed object Friday...

My main project of the week is this baby blanket that I talked about last Wednesday. I have only done about 5 rows but hopefully I will get more done in the next couple of days.  I really love the way its looking and can't wait to see it completely finished. 

This next project is another animal from Freshstitches. Can anyone guess what it is? It will be done for Friday so make sure and come back to see if you guess was right! 

Here is another animal I started. I know I shouldn't start more until I finish all the other ones I have started but I can't help myself especially since I just got 30+ new patterns. Anyway this one is the giant squid and I was working on it in the evening so the picture doesn't look too great. I think it will look really good when I finish it but I'm not sure if I will have enough yarn...

I have two monsters I will be showing on Friday so make sure you come back and check them out!

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!


  1. Yippee! A purple giant squid! I wouldn't be able to resist starting more either!
    My guess for the middle project is a turtle; but it's a completely uneducated guess.

  2. Ooo, that baby blanket is going to be beautiful! I love the colors!

  3. Your baby blanket is darling. I really like the way it's looking too!


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