
Friday, November 16, 2012

FO Friday: Platypus & Turkey

As promised here are two new animals! I finally finished the blue platypus I started a long time ago. I got more green yarn last week and was able to finally get him done. I really like this combination. He will be up in my etsy shop sometime next week for anyone who is interested. All I have left to do is edit a couple more pictures so I'm not sure exactly what day it will be. 

The second animal can already be found in my etsy shop and just in time for Thanksgiving next week. Its the first time I make this pattern and I like it. I have to say the feathers are a little difficult to position but I think over all it looks good. I probably wont be making any more of these until next year just because I doubt many people will be interested in purchasing one after the holidays. 


Mystery Animal: I am really close to finishing. The bottom half is completely done. The top half I still need to finish crocheting one ear. I need to sew on all the parts of the face but it will be done tomorrow and I will reveal what animal it is next Friday. Now that I see it almost done I'm thinking that I will be selling the pattern. Of course it will take some time since I have to figure out yardage and all of that. I will need to type it up and make another sample so it won't be available for a couple of months. 

As many of you may already know I opened my etsy shop this week so if you haven't checked it out please do. 
I added one item since the opening and will be adding 2 more this weekend. I have decided to add items any day of the week and then write up one post every Monday telling you all about new items in my shop that were listed the week before. 

I am really excited because I will be adding new items soon. I love stuffed animals but I want to have a variety of things available. I just placed an order today for the yarn I will be using to make these items so I am hoping to have more news to share soon.

Baby Bibs were another item I talked about and to be honest I haven't had time to work on them since last time but I am hoping to make some progress this weekend. 

Have a great weekend!
Check out more FO's on Tami's Blog!


  1. Platypus is a great name! Your animals are lovely. Have a nice weekend. Regula

  2. Congratulations with your Etsy Shop! All those happy and cute animals will sell well, success!

  3. Oh my goodness those are super cute. I've got a soft spot for that platypus!

  4. ooooh, your platy and turkey are too darn adorable. Good idea about writing up your new features. It takes time to build your shop. You are doing great!

  5. They are both ridiculously cute, but I think the platypus is my favourite. I love his beak!

    Good luck with the shop. Your toys are gorgeous, so I'm sure they'll go down a storm :)

  6. Lovely amigurumi! My favorite is the turkey.

  7. What a funny, lil' playtypus! I love that baby turkey.

  8. They are adorable, I like the platypus :)

  9. Great job! Super cute and good color selection!


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