
Monday, November 12, 2012

Grand Opening!

Today is the Grand Opening of my Etsy Shop!

I'm really excited to finally open it. Its been a very busy week and I'm not completely finished. I still have a couple of photos to add to some of the animals. So I will be doing that during the day. Editing the photos took way longer than I had planned. 

On Friday I showed you all 6 of the 10 animals I was planning on listing in my shop. Well since I ran out of time I only listed 9 this week. The 6 you saw Friday, 2 you have seen before if you follow my blog, and 1 completely new that I finished up this morning. Here they are!

There are a lot of things that I want to do but for now I am planning on listing 2-5 new items every Monday. I will of course have a blog post up showing you all the new items. I was thinking it could be called Merchandise Mondays...I know it sounds a little odd but that's the plan for now. I want to have some type of organization so I think I might do color variations of one animal one week or maybe animals that can all be found in a certain area ex. woodland animals, marine animals, etc. And just to keep you all informed on what's coming. Next Monday I will be listing color variations for owls. I have 3 planned already and I'm sure they will be done by then. If you follow my WIP Wednesday and FO Friday posts then there won't be many new surprises since those will eventually make it to my shop. Right now I am focusing on stocking up on stuffed animals but will add new categories in the next couple of months. Baby Bibs are the next thing on my list and I'm hoping to get those ready for next month. 

I do have a special promotion for the first 5 customers. It's a secret so I won't be saying what it is but I'm sure they will like it very much. 

Thanks for taking the time to follow my blog and I invite all of you to check out my shop

Also follow me in all the other sites that can be found on the left under pages tab.
Updates and Sale Announcements will be through my Twitter and Facebook so make sure and follow me there!

Thanks! Have an awesome Monday!

PS: I already have 1 admirer! Yay! =)


  1. I just added your shop to my faves :O).

  2. Felicitaciones Adriana!!
    Te va a ir muy bien, eres muy talentosa!


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