
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Last one of 2012!

This is the last WIP Wednesday of 2012! I can't believe the year has gone by so fast! I hope everyone had a good holiday. I enjoyed myself with my family and got a lot of nice things. Nothing yarn related so I won't share but I do have to say that my mom was super happy with her Crocodile Stitch Shawl! I'll be sharing a picture of it finished for FO Friday. She also really liked the other two items I gave her. This Friday will be the last FO Friday of the year and its going to be a big one. As of right now I have 4 items to share but there is a possibility of it growing to 7 or more. We will have to see how productive I am today and tomorrow. 

So being that it was the holiday I didn't get a chance to really work on anything the last couple of days but I'm on a mission. These above are all of the started amigurumi I have from October until now that need to be finished this week. I am determined to complete them before this year is over. That gives me 6 days to finish 6 amigurumi. Here is what I have left to do for each of the 6:

1. Owl (bottom middle): Top half all I need is to add the eyes. I still have to make those but they are so fast to make. The bottom half I need to crochet the wings and tail and attach them. Then I can stuff the body and head and attach it and its done. I will only need about and hour to complete it.

2. Blue Robot/Monster (bottom right): I need to attach legs, arms, antennas, and eyes. Stuff him and close him up. I'm calculating about and hour as well for this one maybe less. 

3. Octopus Monster (top left): I'm only missing the eyes so I'll need to make those, attach the legs, stuff and finish off. This one will also take less than an hour. 

So if my calculations are correct I could finish all three of those today. Meaning I still have 5 days to finish the other three that require more work. 

4. Deer (bottom left): This one is missing the eyes, tail, nose, antlers, ears, arms and legs all of which I still have to crochet. Then I need to attach them so I still need a couple of hours for this one. I will probably start working on this one when I finish the other three.

5. Big Monster (top right): This one needs the faces on all three, the two arms, legs for the middle and one side part and I think that's it. I'm not sure if this one will get finished because I don't have too much red left so if I run out of yarn and my lys doesn't have the color in stock I will have to wait to finish it until next year. 

6. Dragon (top middle): Yes I'm making another dragon! I started him I think last week and I haven't gotten around to working on him since I was busy with Christmas gifts but I want to finish him up and add him to my shop ASAP. I have all the parts of the head finished so right now the next step would be to attach all the head pieces. After that crocheting the body is the quickest I think but I still need to crochet the arms, and feet. I'm debating on whether I should make wings or not. By the way one of the projects I will be showing is the finished purple dragon I started forever ago. I just finished it. I'm hoping to add it to my shop later on today or possibly tomorrow. 

I do have one more thing to share. I finally started working on the Freshstitches cowl swap squares. I worked on it a bit on Saturday. It is only going to have 5 squares instead of 6. What happened was that I was supposed to crochet a square for myself but I never did. I did make a total of 6 squares but sent them all since one of them was going to be for a cowl that we were making for the Freshstiches designer Stacey. Anyway I never got around to making a 7th one for myself. I knew I wanted to make a border and decided to use the color I had used to make my squares. If I made my square then It would look weird to have one square the same color of the border plus I probably wouldn't have enough yarn. I attached all the pieces together and I'm working on the border. It shouldn't take long to finish so I might try to do that this weekend. 

For more WIP's check out Tami's Blog!


  1. Lots of pieces! I have to get working on one of her monsters this week...hope you get them all finished...

  2. You are far more productive than I am. It took me a year and a half to make Little Man's giraffe...though I finished plenty of other things during that time. Oh well. I have faith that you can finish all the toys before the end of the year :)

  3. You are such a patient toy crafter. How neat to make a cowl for oneself out of swapped squares.


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