
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday!

This week I am still focusing on finishing up my mom's presents. I've been working on the shawl but its still not finished. I'm thinking I will need about another day or two. Instead of working on it this weekend I tried to finish up the other two. The Cowl is actually already finished. Just finished it up but I thought I would show a sneak peek. The completed one will be shown on Friday.

The second item I am working on is the mystery animal. I am close to finishing this one but will not show the picture of it finished until next Friday after Christmas. Any guesses on what animal it could be?

I have some exciting news! Well exciting for me at least. I made my very first sale on Etsy on Friday! It was a guy who bought it as a Christmas present for his girlfriend. It was a surprise to me because I thought my first customer would be a parent buying it for kids. I guess you never know. As a special thanks to him for being my first customer he is getting a little gift. 

My first sale on Etsy!
This is the free gift for being the first customer!


  1. Congratulations on your first sale, that owl is gorgeous.

  2. Congrats on your first Etsy sale! That is very exciting. Your project progress is looking amazing. Could the mystery friend be a reindeer?

  3. Congrats on your first sale! I love the owl and baby owl. SO CUTE! ... mystery creature: a horse?

  4. Hooray! Ho'omaka'i on your first sale.


Thank you for your comments! :)