
Friday, January 18, 2013

FO Friday 1.3

Today I have 2 baby bibs to share. I would have liked to finish more items but my days haven't been as productive as they used to be. 

The first is red with hearts perfect for a baby to wear for Valentine's Day! This one will be the first one listed next week. I'm still not sure which day that will be but it will definitely be next week. I still need to take pictures and this past week we had really bad weather but its supposed to be sunny these next couple of days so hopefully I can get the pictures taken. Plus this baby bib is going to be a little difficult to photograph its true color since its red. 

This second one is a bunny. I'm thinking ahead for Easter but it doesn't necessarily have to be for Easter. Bunnies are cute and the bib can be used throughout the year. I still have to weave in the ends but the main part is done. I actually changed the way I did the ties which made it faster to finish the item. This one also needs its pictures taken.  

Above is a picture of the two different ties. The one to the left is a knitted I-cord tie. I love how it looks but I don't know why it takes me so long to make them. For the dog baby bib I finished last week I used this method. The one on the right is crocheted and much faster. Basically what I did was crochet a chain of about 85 stitches then I went back and slip stitched in each one. It is about the same thickness as the i-cord and I think it looks good so its the method I used for the heart and bunny bibs. I will probably continue to use this method for the next couple of bibs I make. I still have 7 more to go and only 17 days to finish them. :)

So here is a picture of the three I finished so far. I'm hoping to finish at least one more this weekend and maybe even start the 5th one. But I am going to have a busy weekend. I need to take pictures of all three of these for the shop listings. I need to prepare the listings, take measurements, figure out shipping cost, etc. 

Like I said before its supposed to be sunny this weekend but this past week the weather has been crazy. It was rainy and cloudy for the past couple of days, then yesterday it was snowing and thundering at the same time. Snow in NC was shocking to me! I don't really watch the weather channel so I had no idea and since it doesn't really snow a lot around here anymore at least not how it used to when I was younger, it was unexpected. Anyway I have my fingers crossed that it will be sunny enough for me to take pictures. 

I also started adding my stash to ravelry and need to take pictures of every single yarn in my stash. By the way I will have an update on my progress in the 31 days to get organized post on Wednesday. 

And if that wasn't enough I also have to finish a ladybug that is a custom order from my shop. This is actually at the top of my list since I want to mail it out on Saturday. Luckily I finished crocheted all the parts and all I have left is attach them and prepare the package. 

I'm also going to be working on some Valentine amigurumi to add to the shop. I've already started on an owl but I want to make several animals. So I am going to try to fit in some time to do that as well. 

I think that's it for the plans for my weekend! :)
Have a great weekend!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!


  1. Just popping over from Tami's. Cute bibs and I'll give your method a try instead of i cords which can take longer than they should. Hope you get your sunny skies for your pictures and looks like you've a busy weekend in front of you.

  2. Wow - I LOVE your bibs. They are so cute and love your blog. Going to add you to my feed :)

  3. Wow, you definitely sound busy! Lots of crocheting going on. :)

  4. The blue puppy is my fave, but they all look good. :)

  5. Those bibs are adorable!
    Well done!

  6. They are so sweet, the puppy is very cute. Have a great weekend. Deb x

  7. These are a great idea as from experience I know babies drool ever so much and bibs gets soaked up fast.


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