
Friday, March 29, 2013

FO Friday 3.5

I have a lot to share today! I finished 6 amigurumi for today and only need one more to complete my goal of making 10 from new freshstitches patterns. 

Have a great weekend!
Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3.4

This month is almost over and I am close to accomplishing my goal for the month which was to make 10 freshstitches amigurumi from patterns I haven't made before. I finished 3 and had 7 more to go.Yesterday I finished 4 more and now I only need to finish 3 by Sunday. Below are in progress pics of two of them I started last week. 

I've also been working on my craft room! I think I finally got the furniture how I want it. I still have plenty to do but here is an update.
Here is a view from the doorway. I kept my yarn organization the same. I need to get more bins and am thinking of some wall decor ideas so the walls won't look so plain.
Here is the wall next to the door with all my jetmax cubes. And there is plenty of floor space for blocking my knitted shawls. 
Which brings me to talking about my first time blocking. I finally got all my blocking supplies and made my first attempt yesterday. I think it went well and the blocking wires really did help speed up the process. I ended up getting the mats at Walmart for $20 and they are way bigger than the ones I had originally planned to get from Knitpicks. I am currently blocking my mom's shawl I finished a while back. Its hard to see since its an off white and I placed it over a towel so it wouldn't get dirty against the grey mats. 

I also finally found some time to work on my entrelac baby blanket on Saturday and finished up three more rows. I think I'm almost half way done. 
Lastly I am going to participate in the freshstitches scrap a long. I have chosen to make the squid pattern with my scraps. 
I had plenty more scraps to choose from but I narrowed it down to these which are all pinks and purples and I think they will go nicely together. 
I made a magic ball by joining all the scraps together and I love how it looks. I'm going to wait to start my squid until next week so I should have some in progress pictures to share next Wednesday. 
Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, March 22, 2013

FO Friday 3.4

Its Friday! First up today is the mystery amigurumi I shared last week for WIP Wednesday. Its a unicorn!! Its also my mom's birthday present so I'm excited to see her reaction when I give it to her on Monday. 
Here is a picture of the back. I think I went a little overboard with the mane and its longer than it was supposed to be so I decided to skip adding a tail. 
The second amigurumi is this cute dinosaur! I finally found a use for the Red Heart Soft Baby Steps yarn I had in my stash. I already have a little someone in mind to give it to. Both of these patterns are by Stacey Trock and its the first time I make them so that means I still have 7 more amigurumi to make this month and only 10 days left to make them!! I'm almost done with a lobster I started earlier this week and I'm also working on a bumblebee. After finishing those two I will be half way done with my goal. Since I will have only one week to finish five I am going to make them from tiny amigurumi patterns so I should be able to accomplish my goal. 
Last but not least I made a small hairpin lace scarf. Its not for cold weather but I figured maybe it can be worn in the fall when its still not that cold. I used Patons Metalic that I found at Michaels. I probably won't buy anymore of this yarn but I still have half of the skein left so I will have to find something to do with it. 
Have a great weekend!

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3.3

I've been very busy these last couple of days and I'm excited to share a couple of reasons why!

First up what have I been working on. I started 4 amigurumi since Friday and finished one Sunday. Here are the other three. Two of them are new freshstitches patterns. My goal is to make 10 from new patterns so once I finish these two I will be half way there. I'm hoping to get them done so I can share Friday. I've also been painting my craft room and working on the pockets of my Tunisian Crochet Needles and Hooks Case. 

I worked on this hairpin lace scarf which turned out smaller than I would have liked but its still works. I actually already finished it and will share on Friday. 

I finished painting my new craft room!! I decided to take out the closet doors and make it into a closet office. I love the color of the room. I know its really not that original because I've seen plenty of craft rooms in blue but I love it. All that's left is too let it dry completely and I can start moving in my things. I've been doing some planning on where I want everything to go but I'm not completely sure yet. My dad is going to be making some shelving and desks for me so it may take a while before I can say its done but I'm excited to start getting everything organized. He is also going to add some crown molding to the top. I may add a ceiling fan which will be helpful when blocking and my mom is going to make some curtains. I'll make sure and keep adding update pictures along the way. :)

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, March 15, 2013

FO Friday 3.3

I only finished one project this week. I made this bear in 3 hours this past Saturday as a gift. I really love the color of it. I used stash yarn which is great because one of my goals is to use up my stash yarn. 

I've been working on some bigger projects which explains why I don't have much to share. I finished one part of the Tunisian Crochet Hooks & Needles Case I am making for myself. I'm hoping to finish up some pockets over the weekend. 

I also started a hairpin lace project which I will share more about on Wednesday. 

There was a mystery animal I was working on that I shared on Wednesday and I'm happy to inform I am almost finished. So I will be sharing her next Friday. 

I will also be painting my craft room this weekend which I am really excited about. I can't wait to share more pictures of the progress I make.

One of my goals for this month was to make a total of 10 new freshstitches animals I haven't made and so far I've only made one and almost finished the second which means I am way behind. There are only 17 days left this month and I still have 8 animals to make! I really want to finish 2 more by next Friday.

Oh and I still haven't gotten around to working on my Entrelac blanket. I keep telling myself I am going to work on it but the truth is its at the bottom of my list. 

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3.2

I'm super excited this week because I'm finally going to have a craft room!!! My brother moved out of my parents house last year and last week he finished getting his things out of the room. He let me have his room and my parents agreed to let me use it as my craft room! The best part is that he put in bamboo flooring a while back so its going to look awesome once its finished. I won't be able to buy a lot of knew items but I have plenty of things to put in there already. First up will be to paint the room since green is really not my color. I'm thinking I should be done painting by next Wednesday so I'll update about it then. :)

I started my mom's birthday present. She love's stuffed animals as much as I do so I am making her this one in her favorite color, pink! Any guesses on what animal it is?

Last but not least remember last week I mentioned I was working on a case for my hooks and needles made in Tunisian crochet. Well It was a little hard to explain what it was going to look like then but after working on it this past weekend, I think you will get a better idea. Basically I am going to make layers of fabric in Tunisian crochet, then I will sew down the line where the pockets will be. This is only one side of it. I will store all my straight needles, dpn, and crochet hooks on this side. I also made some room for my Hairpin Lace loom. The other half will store my circular needles and other tools I have around. 

I haven't had time to work on my entrelac baby blanket yet so I think I won't be able to finish it this month. I still have 8 more amigurumi to work on so that will be taking up most of my time along with these projects above. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

National Craft Month! Learn a New Craft Tips

It is National Craft and Crochet Month!  If you have been wanting to learn a new craft or try crafting for the first time, consider getting started this month. During this month, different groups help promote all types of crafts and encourage us to be more creative. Most craft stores offer sales, which will help you keep the cost low.

There are several things you need to do before getting started.

Pick your craft
Do not just say you want to learn a new craft just because. Try it out because you really want to. Do you have a use for it? Is there something you have been wanting to make? Do you want to learn because your grandmother can teach you and its good bonding time? For instance, you want to learn to crochet because that way you will be able to make an adorable stuffed animal you really like. Finding something that really interest's you is important when learning something new. You don't want to start something you will never finish because you got bored. 

Find the time 
Finding the time to start something new can sometimes be a problem because most of us have a lot going on already. Most crafts can be included in your schedule no matter if you have 10 minutes or an hour. Look at your schedule. You will be surprised to find that you may have a couple of minutes in between things where you can include your new hobby. For example when you take your kids to dance lessons or soccer practice, while you’re in the car (if you’re not the one driving of course), while traveling on planes, trains, etc, while cooking, or watching TV with kids or after finishing homework. Make a plan! Set some time everyday to work on it. 

Do some Research!
Sometimes not having the right materials can make your learning experience miserable. Doing research beforehand can help prevent many headaches. Make a list of the essential tools you will need. There will be many options for you to choose from in most cases so get what fits your budget and only get what you really need to start out. You will not want to spend a lot of money only to find that you really do not want to continue the craft and now you have extra things you never even used. Next would be to search for some videos. You can find tons of videos online on so many different crafts. Take the time to look through a couple and see if you think you will enjoy the craft. Do not be discouraged if it looks too hard because it is always going to be a little difficult at the beginning. Just remember practice makes perfect! is a great resource. There are many classes on there from true professionals. All the teachers have years of experience in their craft and they are there to help you with any problems you have and the classes never expire so you can take as long as you need to complete a course. They also provide you with projects for you to practice the craft. Even though Craftsy offers free mini classes for you to try, most of their classes are not. However, they have sales all the time and you can get classes for as low as $9.99. 

Find your Motivation
Find a beginner project for you to try once you get the technique down. There are tons of free patterns out there for you to try. Remember to check and make sure it is a beginner pattern, that way there are less chances that you will have problems with it. Look through more advance projects and set goals. Work your way to the point where you can actually make the advance pattern. 

Get Started!
Once you have everything you need get started! Like I said before do not get discouraged if it is not perfect at the beginning. Keep practicing! Have fun while you learn. If you are getting irritated, stop and try again another day. There is no point in continuing if you are not enjoying it. 
I love crafts and crocheting is one of my favorite so I have decided to do a lot of crocheting this month (which I do every other month so it’s really no different).
Here are my goals:

1. Finish my Entrelac Baby Blanket
2. Finish my Broomstick Lace Scarf

3. Make 10 Freshstitches Patterns I haven't made before

4. Make Mom's birthday present. Her birthday is March 25th so I need to get started!

I am really happy I actually accomplished all my goals from last month so hopefully this month I'll do the same.

I also want to add a couple more items to my shop

Sunday I listed this adorable leprechaun and he is only $30 this week(shipping not included). He will make a great gift for St.Patrick's Day! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

FO Friday 3.2

I only finished 2 items this week. But I'm planning on having a crochet filled weekend so hopefully I have a lot more to share next week.
First up, I finished the broomstick lace scarf. I really like how it came out and its a good length too. I used two complete skeins of Berroco Comfort DK. I think after making this project I feel more comfortable working this technique. I'm already planning another project. 
I also finished my leprechaun! I will be adding this guy to the shop over the weekend! I think he looks great and I really enjoyed working on it especially the hat! Finishing this guy means I still have 9 more amigurumi to make this month. 
Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3.1

Its the first wip wednesday of the month and I have a lot planned. Someone is the Freshstiches ravelry group mentioned that it is National crochet month so I've decided to only crochet this month. I've also set a goal of making 10 amigurumi from freshstiches patterns I haven't made before. I am currently working on my first, which is a Leprechaun! Its the newest Freshstiches pattern and he is going to be super cute! All I have left to do now is sew all the pieces together. So this one will be shared on Friday!
Next up I am working on finishing up my broomstick lace scarf. I'm about 80% done! So I think I will also be sharing this one finished on Friday! I just love the color of it and can't wait to wear it. I really like this technique it works up so fast! 
The third thing I am working on and what I spent most of my weekend working on is a Handmade case for my needles, hooks, and any other tools I use for my needlecrafts. I've been checking out pictures of already made cases to get ideas on how I want to make mine and I think I have it pretty much figured out. Its really hard to explain but I'm hoping to get a lot of work done this week and maybe next Wednesday I will be able to share my planning better. I am using Tunisian Crochet simple stitch for most of the project. I think its a good way to get used to this technique. Here is a pic of one of the pieces I have been working on. I'm using Hobby Lobby I love this cotton and I just love this color too so it will be the outside cover. 
I haven't been working on my entrelac baby blanket for a while but I'm hoping to find some time to work on it this week. I also want to add some items for Easter to my etsy shop next week so I need to get to work on those too. Reminder: I'm having a sale on some amigurumi in my shop. Some listings are expiring this month so I've mark them down $4 until they expire. There are 15 total to choose from so check them out under the sales tab in my shop. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!