
Friday, March 15, 2013

FO Friday 3.3

I only finished one project this week. I made this bear in 3 hours this past Saturday as a gift. I really love the color of it. I used stash yarn which is great because one of my goals is to use up my stash yarn. 

I've been working on some bigger projects which explains why I don't have much to share. I finished one part of the Tunisian Crochet Hooks & Needles Case I am making for myself. I'm hoping to finish up some pockets over the weekend. 

I also started a hairpin lace project which I will share more about on Wednesday. 

There was a mystery animal I was working on that I shared on Wednesday and I'm happy to inform I am almost finished. So I will be sharing her next Friday. 

I will also be painting my craft room this weekend which I am really excited about. I can't wait to share more pictures of the progress I make.

One of my goals for this month was to make a total of 10 new freshstitches animals I haven't made and so far I've only made one and almost finished the second which means I am way behind. There are only 17 days left this month and I still have 8 animals to make! I really want to finish 2 more by next Friday.

Oh and I still haven't gotten around to working on my Entrelac blanket. I keep telling myself I am going to work on it but the truth is its at the bottom of my list. 

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!


  1. Your bear is adorable! Love the leprechaun on your side bar too.

  2. The bear is so cute! He's a great gift:)

  3. Lovely bear! My record in crocheting an amigurumi is 3 hours too :)

    Here's my FO:

  4. 10 amigurumi in one month is a lot! Especially with all the finishing that can be involved. The bear is very cute - I really like that Periwinkle Blue colour too!

  5. I can't believe it! Only three hours?! That's amazing, it's so cute.

  6. What cute bear! YOu must be fast to finish him in just 3 hrs.

  7. He is a great bear! It's in being a fan of a designer, yeah?


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