
Friday, April 12, 2013

FO Friday 4.2

I finished two projects yesterday. The first is the squid for the Freshstitches Scrap-a-long. I need to take better pictures tomorrow. I really liked how the squid turned out with all the purples and pinks.
The second is a monster using the yarn I got from the third Freshstitches kit club package. This yarn is so soft. Its Crazy by Stonehedge Fiber Mill. 

Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!


  1. That squid is really great, very realistic and beautiful color combo!

  2. aww such pretty FO's - I really love that the monster has ears :D Have a knitty friday xx

  3. I love your monster, it is a cute monster:)

  4. I was just about to exclaim how much I liked the squid when I scrolled down to see the monster. He's awesome! I'd never have guessed how much I'd like him in that tweedy yarn!

  5. My reaction: "Wow, I like it!" That squid is so cool.


Thank you for your comments! :)