
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

WIP Wednesday 4.1

First up today an update on my room. I mentioned before that I decided to take out the closet doors and was planning on having it be sort of like a closet office where I would have my computer. Well my dad placed the desk on Sunday. Its secured to the wall with only one leg. I think it looks good so all I have left now for my closet are the shelves.  

I've also been using my niddy noddy I got from knitpicks. I have a lot of lace weight thread I use for my needle punch that I buy when I go to Mexico and I had originally put them onto bobbins but now that I have my ball winder I've been winding them into cakes. The problem is the thread is hard to wind right off the bobbins so I am making them into hanks that I can place on my swift and then make into cakes. Plus its fun making them into these tiny hanks. 

I'm so excited about my recent purchases from Candy Skein. I bought a skein last year and loved it but hadn't gotten more since then so when I saw she was having an Easter Sale, I couldn't resist buying some more. One is from her newest line Sweet Fingering that is 50% Wool and 50% Silk and I love it. Its the most expensive yarn I have bought but its definitely worth it. I am going to use it for the Sweet Summer Rays Shawl Kal starting on the 15th. I'm excited to be participating in a Kal for the first time. I love the color which is Blue Raspberry. 

My other Candy Skein purchase was Yummy Lace which I have already started a shawl with. The pattern is called Bella Botanica by Karen Strauss. Its the first time I am attempting to use charts instead of written directions and its also the first time I use lace weight yarn. Everything is going well so far. I haven't decided whether or not I will add beads since it would also be my first time knitting with beads. Lucky for my I just bought Laura Nelkin's Knitting with Beads class on Craftsy so I think I will learn everything I need to know about working with beads from her. This yarn is 100% Merino and the color is Blue Snow Cone. 

I still need to work on my March Wrap-Up which I will share for FO Friday along with my last FO's from March. 

And I need to get started on my Freshstiches Cal project since the deadline is April 17th. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!


  1. Love the idea of a desk in a cupboard!

  2. The candy Skein yarn looks beautiful and so does your WIP!

  3. Your shawl is looking lovely, what gorgeous yarn. Definitely go for beads, they're far easier than they sound. Just get a small enough crochet hook and you'll be fine. They really make a shawl extra special in my opinion and the weight of them helps it hang nicely too :)

  4. wow such pretty yarns, I love the blue snowcone shawl - really pretty and I'm excited to see how the other yarn knits up!! Have a knitty wedensday xx

  5. I loved the Knitting with Beads class! Such a great class! You will love it, and want to start adding beads to everything! Beautiful yarns! Perfect colors for spring shawls.

    <3 Deenna

  6. Gorgeous blues in that shawl.I'm trying to decide about beads for my scarf too, but I think I'm almost decided against. I think beads might be too heavy for it :)

    Happy knitting!

  7. Lovely yarn colors!

    Here's my WIP:

  8. Your shawl is so pretty! I love the color.
    Your desk is wonderful. I always love seeing offices in closets. It's such a creative use of space.

  9. That blue is so pretty and very cool how the closet will be an office. I've seen lots of those ideas on Pinterest. The shawl design is wonderful.

  10. New yarn! How exciting!! The colors are lovely.

  11. Love the closet office. Your shawl is very pretty. It is understandable to skip the beads that`s alot of firsts on one project--but I think it will be gorgeous either way.


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