
Friday, May 24, 2013

Fo Friday 5.4

Today I was supposed to release my second pattern: Fabian the Red Fox but a couple of things came up this weekend and even though the pattern is written I still need some pictures and I need to make some tutorial videos before releasing so you will have to wait 2 more days. The new release day is Sunday, May 26th! I did finish the two samples I was working on. 
Another sample of the red fox. I overstuffed the legs and now the stuffing is showing but I think its okay. I also finished a grey wolf sample.
Originally I was planning on making the wolf part of the fox pattern but once I finished it I thought he is too cute to not get his own pattern. This will also be helpful when people search for wolves they will actually be able to find him. His name is Gabriel the Grey Wolf and he will also be released on Sunday!
They are not exactly the same which is why I am releasing them as two separate patterns. Even though foxes and wolves are similar they are not the same. Besides the size and color variations there are other differences. For example a fox had a tail with a white tip and the rest orange. While the wolf has a 2 colored tail, white on the bottom and grey on top. Another difference is the snout, foxes have pointer snouts. The color of the legs is another difference, wolves have only a bit a white at the bottom and the rest is grey while the fox is the opposite. 
I was going to sell a fox pattern with instructions to make a wolf for $8 but now that I am selling 2 separate patterns, they will each be $5. But I want to give you all the opportunity of getting them both for $8 so for the first week of their release I will be offering a coupon. You can save $2 if you buy them both together. You must however buy both of them together, you cannot buy one then buy the other one later because the coupon will not work. I will give the coupon code when I release them on Sunday. 

To make sure you don't miss if make sure to either check back here, and/or follow me on Twitter or Facebook. 
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Have a great Weekend!


  1. They look amazing! I agree with you, the wolf deserves his own pattern.

    Here's my FO:

  2. Great construction on these two creations.


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