
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WIP Wednesday 5.1

Hello! I don't have any pictures of what I have been working on because its top secret. At least until next week. I have been working on a couple designs of my own. I started last week and can't seem to stop. I'm working on my third one now. I'm planning on releasing my first pattern next Friday May 10th! I have the pattern typed and all that is missing are in progress pictures so I still haven't attached the pieces yet. If I can get the pictures taken before Friday I will reveal what animal it is this Friday but if not it will be until next week. The reason I haven't taken pictures is that its been raining or cloudy everyday. 

For the second animal I finished typing all the crocheting instructions but I still need to type the attaching instructions and take pictures. I will probably make that pattern available at the end of the month. The third pattern I just started so I'm thinking it will be ready sometime in June. 

The reason I didn't want to post pictures right away was because I wasn't sure I would be completely happy with each project so I didn't want to say look I'm working on this animal and then end up saying never mind I frogged it so I will only post pictures once everything is ready and its officially going to be available to purchase. 

I did find sometime to work on the two animals from next week. I finished crocheting all the parts and will work on attaching them and taking pictures to share on Friday! I will also have my April Wrap-Up to share that day.

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!


  1. Congrats on your new patterns - that is super!
    Look forward to seeing them all :)
    Marigolds' Loft

  2. So excited for your first patterns! Congratulations!

  3. Good luck with your desings, can't wait to see what are you doing.

    Here's my WIP:

  4. Brill! your own patterns ! Fab!

  5. Hooray for you! Don't you just love the high of having designs swirling about in your head?


Thank you for your comments! :)