
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

WIP Wednesday 5.2

Hello! I actually have a picture today! Not a very good one since I forgot to take it earlier but I have one. I've mostly been working on my pattern that will be released on Friday but I really needed to get started on my pattern test for Freshstitches newest pattern coming out soon which are dolls. I'm testing out the ballerina for Stacey. I'm currently working on the body. I need to finish it by tomorrow so I need to hurry up. I'm about half way so I don't think it will be a problem getting it done on time. I also still have to finish the owl and deer for Friday and on top of that I have some finishing touches to add to my pattern before releasing it but I'm excited to see what you all think about it. 
On another note I made another sale in my shop! This time it was a baby bib, a squirrel grey one. I'll take advantage of the trip to the post office to also ship the amigurumi I am donating to the Purple Stitch Project. I have about 7 amigurumi already done with purple that I am thinking I'm going to donate. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!


  1. It's always nice to sell something. Happy Wednesday! Regula

  2. Congrats on your sale, that's great!

  3. :D Good luck with your hooking this week - sounds like you are quite busy!

  4. Those doll parts are lookin' mighty interesting.

  5. Congrats on the sale!

    Here's my WIP:


Thank you for your comments! :)