
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wip Wednesday 10.1

First up this week is a baby bib I started yesterday. Its a free pattern designed by Elaine Fitzpatrick. Its perfect for Halloween and will be added to the shop soon! I've been working on adding items to my Etsy shop and noticed I haven't had any new bibs since February so you will probably see a lot more bibs around here. 

Next I've gotten a lot of work done on one of my mystery shawls. The second I haven't started and won't until I finish the two that are currently on the needles waiting to be finished. 

Another mystery KAL I will be participating in is a Holiday Dishcloth Mystey KAL. I got all my yarn this weekend and started one the first one. I'll share pics next week.

I also finally got around to working on a pattern I found about a year ago. Its a bear designed by Esperanza Rosas. Its so cute! I was hoping to finish it by Friday but I'm not so sure that is going to happen. 

CRAFT FAIR ADVICE NEEDED! So yesterday on my way home I saw a sign outside on a church saying that they were looking for vendors for a craft fair October 26th. It only provides a number so I'll have to call and ask for details but before that I wanted to see if anyone had any advice for what I should ask! I've never participated in any type of fair before so I'm not sure what the important information is.

 I went online to see if I could find out more info and actually found another craft fair at another church which is $30 inside on November 9th and they provide a table and 2 chairs. I'm thinking I might be able to do both but I'm not sure. I currently have about 70 items to sell and I have about a month to work on more. Would that be enough? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!


  1. That photo of all the stuffed animals is precious! 70 might be enough for one craft fair, but maybe not for both. You may want to consider taking custom orders if the customer doesn't find exactly what she wants on your table. Good luck!

  2. aw I like your bear :) and that photo of all those amazing critters is fab!

  3. I'm taking part in a craft show in a few weeks, and my thinking is this: as long as I can sell enough to cover the cost of the table then it's all gravy after that. I think you'll have no trouble. Besides it's wonderful to get that face-to-face feedback on what you're making. Sometimes it's a complete surprise what sells.

  4. Ooh, go for it! 70 items is a lot.


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