
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wip Wednesday: Christmas Countdown!

This year I decided I would actually make Christmas gifts. I say actually because I always plan to but never do and I end up buying everyone a gift instead. This year I am sticking to the idea of making them but with only 6 days to finish it seems pretty impossible.

I'm making my brother and his girlfriend 2 gifts each which I won't share just in case they happen to read my blog today. One of her gifts is finished and the other only needs a couple finishing touches and its done. His 2 gifts I just started on Monday and yesterday so I'm definitely rushing to finish. I'm about half way done with one and the other is going to take longer to finish. 

I already bought my mom 2 gift one is a skein of Candy Skein Yummy Lace. She loved the shawl I made with it and I thought since I wouldn't have time to make her the shawl I could at least gift her the yarn and let her pick the pattern. The gift I am making her are the Crocodile Stitch Boots by Bonita Patterns. I finished one of them and started the second. I still need to add buttons but that won't take long.

I'm also making mini owl ornaments for our Christmas tree. One for each family member so a total of 6. I have heads and bodies for 3 of them. I'm making them all brown and the eye color will be picked by the person its for. 
Pattern: Nel the Tiny Owl by Freshstitches.

One of my goals for the year was to make a total of 120 amigurumi and I've only made 86 so I still have 34 to finish and only 14 days. Meaning I need to finish 2-3 a day. The only way I see this actually happening is if most of them are mini amigurumi like the owls above so I already got started on a couple other animals.

I'm working on a Mini Pig.
Pattern: Cliveton the Tiny Pig by Freshstitches

I started 2 Ladybugs. One red and one pink. 
Pattern: Vera the Ladybug by Freshstitches

I started this moose back in November. I worked on it a little at the beginning of the month but haven't worked on it since. I'm hoping that once I finish all my Christmas gifts I'll finally be able to finish it.
Pattern: Its a free pattern by Lanas y Ovillos

I also have a Monkey I crocheted back in November that only needs to be assembled.
Pattern: Owen the Monkey by Freshstitches

The last animal I have to share this week is one of my very own patterns. I have most of the pieces done.
Pattern: Fabian the Red Fox by Freshstitches

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!


Thank you for your comments! :)