
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year!


This year I have several goals but I only decided to share a few in my last post. One I didn't mention was I want to try blogging more. When I first started WIP Wednesday and FO Friday it really helped keep me on track but the last half of last year I was really disorganized. This year I want to get back to at least blogging twice a week if not more. 

For this year's first Wip Wednesday I have a couple of unfinished projects from last year that I want to finish. The main project I am working on that I started on Christmas Eve is an army of Tiny Owls! My goal is to make one is every color I have available in Hobby Lobby I love this Yarn. So far I have heads and bodies for 21 of them. I'm thinking I'll probably end up with about 30. After finishing all the heads and bodies I will start with all the smaller pieces like ears, wings, feet, and eyes. 

I still have to finish one of my brother's Christmas gifts. He already saw it and doesn't mind getting it late. Its not that cold here yet so he doesn't really need it so I'm hoping to finish it within 2 weeks. I have a lot more done that the picture shows but I haven't taken a more recent picture.

Each month I'll probably have a different goal and this month I have 2. The first is to finish up all the projects I started last year. The second is to get organized. As of now my craft room is really unorganized so I'm thinking I'll buy a couple more storage bins and make it a monthly project to get it nice and neat again.

Share what you're working on and remember to come back for FO Friday! 

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