
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Swatch Sunday x3: Basic, Knotted, & Serpentine

I thought I had scheduled this post but turns out I didn't!
These last 2 weeks have gone by so fast I lose track of the days. SO this post will be for the first 3 Sundays of the year.

To start off Swatch Sundays I decided to try out knitting cables. I'm currently enrolled in the Craftsy Class Explorations in Cables. I'm really enjoying the class. The teacher is really thorough with her explanations. I thought about doing the swatches for the class but opted for stitches in my book The Complete Photo Guide to Knitting.

Swatch 1:Basic Cable
Stitchionary: The Complete Photo Guide To Knitting
Cast on 33. I did a Right slanting and left slanting on one swatch. I added 3 stitches of stockinette to the each side and middle. Like the name states its very basic but it was good practice especially since I'm not used to the cable needle just yet. 

Swatch 2:Knotted Cable
Stitchionary: The Complete Photo Guide To Knitting
Cast on 32. For this one I decided to also add stockinette to the middle and sides. This time 4 stitches instead of 3. I love the look of this one and it was definitely harder than the first since you are working with 6 stitches some going to the back and others to the front in order to get the knotted look.

Swatch 3:Simple Serpentine 
Stitchionary: The Complete Photo Guide To Knitting
Cast on 32. I also added  4 stitches of stockinette to the middle and sides for this one. This one was confusing at first trying to make sure I was going either back or forward and the right time.

Well that's it for this week. I promise to be on time for the next one and it will probably be a cable too!

1 comment:

  1. Nice swatches! I like cabling with the cable needle hanging down in the front.


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