
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ravellenics Day 1

This is the first time I am participating in the Ravellenics and I'm really excited! I like to challenge myself so participating this year will be great.My challenge is to finish as many projects as I can and try to have entries in as many different events possible. 

Events List

Product-Green (1 per project)
Aerial Unwind - Anything that's finished or unfinished that you frog. Can only be submitted in this category.
Alpine Abode Enhancement - Home and Decor Projects.
Bag Jump
Cross Cowling - Cowls, any circular shaped neck wear
Flying Camel Spin - Fiber Preparation that you spin into yarn
Free Dance - Anything that doesn't fit into the other categories 
Giant Slalom-ghan - Blankets, Afghans
Hat Halfpipe
Mitten Moguls 
Scarf Super-G
Short-Track Shawls -
Sidecountry Challenge - Any challenge you set yourself 
Sock Hockey
Sweaterboard Cross
Toy Tobogganing
Wips Dancing - Wips you started before the games. Can only be entered in this category

Additional-Purple (all that apply)
Beading Biathlon 
Bobsled - Anything made for pets
Cable Cross-Country
Charity Curling
Downhill Dyeing
Entrelac Slalom
Felting Freestyle
Fleece to FO Long-Track
Preparation of fiber, Spinning, and Knits/Crochets/Weaves item during the games. 
Junior Ravellenics - Anything for babies and children
Labyrinth Weaving
Lace Luge
Loom Toe Loop
Machine Skate - Anything made using machine, i-cord mill
Modular Relay - Anything you need to make items in quantity that will be attached to make something else. 
Nordic Colorwork Combined
Single-Skein Speed Skate
Stash Skeleton Anything you made using yarn you've had for 6+ months
Tunisian Spirit

Looking through the list the items in red I won't be doing at all. Everything else is a possibility. As I start projects in the different categories I will cross them out. 

DAY 1 
Yesterday February 7th was the first day and I think my day was very successful. I managed to start and finish 1 wrist warmer!
Here is a picture before sewing. Turns out it was too small so I picked up stitches along on side and did some ribbing to make it big enough to fit.
This is my first time make something that uses color work and I think I did pretty good. Here is a picture of the back. 
It took me about 5-6 hours to complete. I had some difficulty at the beginning holding the yarn but I think it got easier as I did it more. 

Team: Freshstitches Friends
Status: Not Finished
Events: Mitten Moguls, Nordic Colorwork Combined, Stash Skeleton 

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