
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Craft Fairs and WIPS

Wow I've been doing a really bad job at blogging this year. I always have something to share but I forget to actually take time to write up the post.


I mentioned in early May that I was waiting to hear if I had been accepted into my first craft Market and I was. It was on June 6th and a lot of people came. I had several people purchase so I consider it a successful one. Its an outdoor market every first Friday of the month so it helped that it was really nice outside. Here a picture of my display.

Since the June market went so well I signed up for another one in August. This one was not so great. It rained the entire time and very few people stopped by. It was still a learning experience for being prepared in bad weather. The booth space is only $20 for me since my brother and I sell together and split the price so I only lost $20. I made a lot of new items that will have to wait until next time to be seen but I'll be sharing them here on Friday! My display was different for this one. 

I just signed up for the September one and have been accepted so I'm hoping for good weather. Since I still have everything from the August one I don't really have to prepare which gives me time to focus on other things like this blog!

What am I working on?

This week I am working on updating a few patterns I released last year. The first one if Gabriel the Grey Wolf. The second version is simplified meaning less sewing. I am working on my second sample. Here is a preview of the head. I'll be sharing a finished sample on Friday!

I also started another sample for my Octavio the Octopus pattern. I want to change the bottom of it slightly but I haven't gotten to it yet so I don't know if my changes will work or not.

Don't miss FO Friday this week, I have a ton of stuff to share! :)


I'm having a sale on all my individual patterns today only! Its in celebration for my first pattern Emilia the Elephant having 200 favorites on Ravelry. Check out all my patterns in my ravelry shop:


  1. Octavio looks like he might be turning into a Spiderman head! Love it.

  2. Your table is enticing! How could one not want to see and touch your amigurumi?


Thank you for your comments! :)