
Friday, June 15, 2012

FO Friday: Too many animals!

Okay so last week I was so excited with my deer I completely forgot to show my owl which I had finished before finishing my deer! Goes to show how excited I really was about that one. I love this owl he is adorable! I am already thinking of other color combinations that would look good so I might have an army of owls in a couple months! For those interested in making one of there owl its Nelson the Owl by Stacey Trock.

Next up is the snail I started a while ago but had him on standby until this weekend. I wanted to make sure to finish him this week and I did. I loved how he turned out! I got to say I'm not a huge fan of snails but this one is too cute! One of my favorites from Stacey Trock's book Crocheted Softies.

This week Stacey announced a CAL and being that I love all of her designs I had to join in. To enter you have to make a cow and here is the one I made. For more info on joining in the fun here is the link to her ravelry group. Also if you didn't check out my wip wednesday post here is a link to that also so you can see my inspiration for this cow!
 Some unexpected things came up yesterday and I wasn't able to finish her but I will finish her later but I did want to show what I have so far. All I need to do is sew her up and she's done. I think I am going to show her completely done next week. 

Last but not least is my raccoon! I am finally finished with all the animals from my craftsy class! I highly recommend this class to anyone who doesn't know how to make amigurumi. Its a great class! Even those who know how should sign up for it because all four of the animals are super cute! If you want to know more about it I talked about it in my post here.
For more FO's check out Tami's Blog!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Raccoon, Snail & Cow

Here is what I worked on this weekend! I have all the parts of my raccoon finished! All I have left to do is sew him up. I really like how he turned out! Check him out completely finished on Friday! If you would like to make one yourself check out Stacey Trock's Amigurumi Woodland Animals class on
A while ago I started Milton the snail from Stacey Trock's book Crocheted Softies so I will finish him up and he will be done for FO Friday also!
So I know I said I wouldn't start another project before my trip to Mexico but I couldn't help it especially after Stacey announced a CAL in her ravelry group Monday! Here is a link if you want to join. So I ended up starting this cow yesterday! I had some great inspiration which is this calf that was born Monday! Isn't she cute!

Check out Tami's Blog

Check out Ginny's blog!

Friday, June 8, 2012

FO Friday: Finished Amigurumi Deer!

Isn't she just adorable? I finished my deer from my craftsy class! That means I have three of the four animals done. I only have the raccoon left. I don't really have much else to say because most of my week has been about cleaning and organizing all my yarns and projects and the rest of the house but all of that is done now. The only thing I have left to do for next week is to get my luggage ready and finish the raccoon. Then I will be able to leave without thinking that I left an unfinished amigurumi at home that I would have to wait a month to finish. I am going to try really hard to not start another one before leaving but I think I might take a few yarns with me to work on some while in Mexico! 

Check out more finished objects here!
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And more projects here!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Deer & Raccoon Amigurumi

So like I said in my post Monday I have a lot to do this week so I haven't had a chance to work on amigurumi until today. I decided to take a little break from cleaning and getting ready for my trip and the first thing on my list is to finish up the deer from my craftsy class. I will be crocheting the legs, arms, and nose today and hopefully start sewing her up so I will be able to share her completely finished for this weeks FO Friday.

Here is what I have so far for the raccoon. I started the head Monday and only got the increase rows done. I might put off sewing the deer until tomorrow and work on this one a bit. I'm thinking I will probably try to finish crocheting all the parts over the weekend. That way I can finish him up before leaving. And I will, if everything goes as plan, have him finished for next weeks FO Friday.

I am almost finished with the Owl! Expect to see him finished for FO Friday!

Check out Ginny's blog here!

Check out other works in progress here!
& last but not least chek out Nicole's blog Frontier Dreams here!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Busy Monday...

Okay so this is going to be a very busy week for me. I am leaving for Mexico in exactly two weeks from today. I am very excited but I have lots to do before then. We like to leave the house completely clean whenever we are going to be gone for more than a week so I'm in charge of cleaning mainly two rooms. My bedroom in which I have to wash all my clothes that I'm taking and pack them into the luggage which is easy but time consuming because its a lot to wash. Mostly because we will be gone for a month and I like to take a lot of clothes so I have options. There is nothing wrong with that right? I also have my yarn stash in a corner of my room and some completed projects I have to organize which doesn't require a lot of time. The other room is actually supposed to be the the computer room/office but its mostly turned into my knitting/crochet room. I have most of my works in progress and a lot of yarn in that room. Its in need of a lot of cleaning and organizing. I have been meaning to do something about it for a while now but just never really got around to it and now I know its going to take forever to do and I have to get it done before I leave. 
So this week is mostly going to be me doing all of that. But I hope it doesn't take to long and I can get some works in progress done also before I leave. I have a couple amigurumi started that I really want to finish up because I don't want to have to wait a month to see them completed. I have two that are from the class I'm taking on craftsy which is a deer and a raccoon that I'm working on now. I will probably not get a chance to work on them until later on this week but its okay as long as I get them done this weekend or next week. 
Something I am super excited about is that I will be doing some knitting while in Mexico and that's because my aunt want to learn to knit and the most experienced knitter (me :)) in are whole family is going to be there for an entire month. That's plenty of time to teach someone right? It's actually going to be the first time I try teaching someone who doesn't know at all how to knit so I hope it goes well. 
For the remainder of the day I will be working on my blog post for WIP Wednesday and FO Friday so I have that out of the way. And attempt to get started on my cleaning. For now I am going to share a baby bootie I was working on this weekend. I didn't do the second one yet so I only have one to share. Have a great week and remember to come back and check out WIP Wednesday!

Friday, June 1, 2012

FO Friday: Finished Amigurumi

I Finally get to show my finished amigurumi! These have been done for a couple of days now but Friday just wouldn't come soon enough. All of these are designs by Stacey Trock (Freshstitches). The two blue birds and the brown bear are from a class I am taking on if you want to know more I talked about it in the post here. The elephant is a pattern from her book Crocheted Softies and the whale was a free pattern on the martingale website. My WIP Wednesday post from last week was about them and you can find that by clicking here. I got the safety eyes last Friday and it took me the whole weekend to finish them but it was totally worth it they are just too cute!
The whale was the very first to be finished even though it was the last one to be crocheted. He was easy to finish because the only things I had to sew on were thee fins. I thinking about making an orca using this basic pattern but you will have to wait and see if I actually do it.
The brown bear was the first amigurumi in which I had a lot more sewing to do. I think he turned out pretty good the only thing is that since it was the first time I had to sew the head onto the body its not exactly looking straight but he is still cute so it doesn't really matter. I'm thinking about making some friends for him maybe a black bear and a polar bear.
Peanut the elephant is my favorite of all so far. I just can't believe how cute he is. He has a lot more going so it took more time to finish but he was worth it! I did a better job at sewing his head to the body, this one is actually looking straight!

WIP Wednesday Update
I didn't get a chance to work on the i-cords to finish up the baby bib yet and the owl is almost done. I finished crocheting all the parts of the body all that left is to finish sewing so it should be ready for next weeks FO Friday. If you didn't get a chance to look at that post and are interested click here.
Check out more Finished Objects on Tami's Blog!
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Check more projects here.