
Friday, October 19, 2012

FO Friday: Tiny Owls, a snail, a turtle, & a dragon!

Aren't they just adorable?! I am testing another pattern for Freshstitches and since these were super tiny I had the perfect excuse to make more than one. The brown was the very first one I made and probably my favorite but I love them all. Here is a close up of each.

Which is your favorite?

I also finished a dragon I started back in September. Its the first time I use buggy eyes and I really like the way it looks. 

The next one I finished was this cute snail. I think I may have overstuffed the shell so it was a little complicated to attach but I think the next time I make one it will be a lot easier. 

The last animal for today is the turtle! I finally finished it and I have to say its so cute and a lot easier to make than I had originally imagined. 
I haven't worked on the purple dragon anymore because I wanted to finish these up first but now that they are done its the next thing on my list. Hopefully I will have some time to finish it up this weekend.
I did get a chance to work on the platypus. I finished the head and the body so all that's left is the bill, eyes, and feet. I'm thinking that will get done this weekend also.
Well that's it for today have a great weekend!

For more FO's check out Tami's Blog!


  1. The tiny owls are so cuuuuuuuuute! Pinky is my favourte. You/they are making me smile. Have a nice day!

  2. Can't quite choose between the pink and the brown owl.... but they are ALL amazing!

  3. awwwww the owls are super cute, love the pink one the colour is so pretty. I love love love the dragon, where is the pattern from?
    You have had a busy week to get them all finished and everything just looks amazing!

  4. Oh my gosh, these are the cutest little creations I have ever seen!!!! LOVE them!

  5. I'm dying from cuteness! Geez, I really want to crochet now.

  6. My fav is definitely the pink owl!! But they are ALL super cute! great work!

  7. Boy you are fast w/that hook! The lil' blue owl catches my eye.

  8. They are indeed adorable. I think I like the brown one best too!

  9. Seriously adorable little creatures! Love them all but think the brown owl is my favorite.


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