
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wip Wednesday: Tiny Owls

This weekend I worked on some very cute tiny owls! Its another pattern I am testing for Freshstitches. I have one already finished and it will be up Friday along with these four cuties. They are so quick to make so I thought why not make one in each color! The only thing really stopping me now is that I am almost out of white yarn so I need to order some more first. I'm still debating on whether to buy from Jimmy Beans Wool or Webs this time.

The second project of the week is this cute girly dragon. I actually started this some time ago but never got around to finishing it until now. I also was working on another dragon which I finished already and will be showing on Friday. I'm not making any promises on this one being finished since I really want to finish up the tiny owls first. 

This third project I talked about last week. Its the turtle I had only shown a really bad picture of the shell last week but this week I am showing all the parts. I only have to sew the parts on. Its the first thing on my to do list so if all goes as planned I will have him done and show him to ya'll finished on Friday! 

So now on to some exciting news non-crochet related. As you may have noticed I changed the look of my blog! I've been working on opening my Etsy shop for a while now and its coming soon but for now I'm just happy that I finally decided on getting the look picked out. I bought this business Etsy shop set from Sarah Rubendall . These sets are usually $25 and I got it during a sale for $15. The set comes with several shop banners, avatars, an address label and a business card. I used the avatar that came with the set as part of my banner at the top of this blog. One more thing I can check off my to do list. I'm still working on making more things to put up for sale and am working on the descriptions and all that for each individual item. I also want to take some really good pictures. I don't like rushing into things and not doing them the right way so I won't open it until I think its ready! :)

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!


  1. lovely projects, the owls look so cute and I love the colours too. Dragon is awesome.
    Love the look of your blog.

  2. Oh, that dragon is amazing - love it!

  3. Can't wait to see your dragon and turtle finished, they look lovely. Wish I had an excuse to make toys!

  4. Can't wait to see all the toys finished, but especially the turtle, it looks adorable. Love your new blog design by the way :)

  5. Love the little owls in progress! And the girly dragon is darling!

  6. I THOUGHT it was a turtle. He's really cute! Congratulations on getting started on Etsy. That's on my "someday" list.

  7. Cute projects! I'm excited to see how the turtle looks when you finish it.

  8. Love the color of the owls. Can't wait to see finished the turtle.

  9. You are so patient to work on all these toys. They are so darn cute to whip out. The sewing can be more work than hookin' or knitting them.


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