
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013!

This year has been amazing for me, on a personal and professional level. I feel like it went by super fast! Maybe it was because I always had so many things I needed to get done that I felt like I didn't have enough time. I'm definitely happy with all I accomplished this year and hope that next year is even better!

So what happened in 2013? Well the main thing is that I started designing my own patterns. I wasn't really planning to it just happened and now I have 12 patterns available for sale. I also started making tutorial videos to go with my patterns. I am really behind on these but I'm hoping to catch up in the next couple of weeks. Last year I only made 2 sales on Etsy. This year I made 13! I know its not a lot but I'm still happy about it. I have to admit I focused too much on the patterns and didn't really add many new items to the shop.

There were 2 main things that made this year awesome. This year my first niece was born! She is the cutest baby and I love being an aunt. I also got to travel to Paris, France and it was amazing. I'm hoping to do some traveling next year too!

2013 Goals
So which goals from last year did I accomplish? NONE! I'm not surprised really. 
I started with a huge list of goals that were shortened it the following:
Use up stash yarn
I must admit I bought a ton of yarn this year but I also use up a lot of yarn both from my stash and the newly purchased one. I definitely want to continue to use up my stash since I have no more room for yarn. 
Make a total of 120 amigurumi
I only made 89. 
Stay Organized
It happened at times but not always. I really need to get oragnized again so I'll probably do that in January just like I did last January.
Learn 4 new crafts/techniques
I tried out Tunisian Crochet and Broomstick Lace. I learned how to knit nupps and I tried out blocking for the first time. I also learned to read knitting charts!

2013 Projects
Projects started: 160

Projects finished: 115
Here are some pictures of my finished projects this year. This year I'm only sharing a couple instead of all of them.

89 Stuffed Animals,

7 Shawls, 

10 Baby Bibs, 1 washcloth

 2 Scarves, 1 Cowl, 1 Cell phone cozy, 1 Baby Blanket, 1 Baby Toy, 1 Pichu Costume(not pictured), & Crocodile Stitch Boots (not pictured)
UFO's: 45
My main UFO is my army of tiny owls!

Goals for 2014!
I've made a list of goals for the new year:
1. Get Organized
2. Use up stash yarn
3. Make 1 shawl a month.
4. Release 2 new patterns a month
5. Make more items for myself.
6. Add at least 5 new items to the Etsy shop a month.

New Year Pattern Sale!
Get 20% off any 2 or more patterns until January 1st at midnight EST. No coupon needed. Excludes e-book.
And I just released my newest pattern Franklin the Frog

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wip Wednesday: Christmas Countdown!

This year I decided I would actually make Christmas gifts. I say actually because I always plan to but never do and I end up buying everyone a gift instead. This year I am sticking to the idea of making them but with only 6 days to finish it seems pretty impossible.

I'm making my brother and his girlfriend 2 gifts each which I won't share just in case they happen to read my blog today. One of her gifts is finished and the other only needs a couple finishing touches and its done. His 2 gifts I just started on Monday and yesterday so I'm definitely rushing to finish. I'm about half way done with one and the other is going to take longer to finish. 

I already bought my mom 2 gift one is a skein of Candy Skein Yummy Lace. She loved the shawl I made with it and I thought since I wouldn't have time to make her the shawl I could at least gift her the yarn and let her pick the pattern. The gift I am making her are the Crocodile Stitch Boots by Bonita Patterns. I finished one of them and started the second. I still need to add buttons but that won't take long.

I'm also making mini owl ornaments for our Christmas tree. One for each family member so a total of 6. I have heads and bodies for 3 of them. I'm making them all brown and the eye color will be picked by the person its for. 
Pattern: Nel the Tiny Owl by Freshstitches.

One of my goals for the year was to make a total of 120 amigurumi and I've only made 86 so I still have 34 to finish and only 14 days. Meaning I need to finish 2-3 a day. The only way I see this actually happening is if most of them are mini amigurumi like the owls above so I already got started on a couple other animals.

I'm working on a Mini Pig.
Pattern: Cliveton the Tiny Pig by Freshstitches

I started 2 Ladybugs. One red and one pink. 
Pattern: Vera the Ladybug by Freshstitches

I started this moose back in November. I worked on it a little at the beginning of the month but haven't worked on it since. I'm hoping that once I finish all my Christmas gifts I'll finally be able to finish it.
Pattern: Its a free pattern by Lanas y Ovillos

I also have a Monkey I crocheted back in November that only needs to be assembled.
Pattern: Owen the Monkey by Freshstitches

The last animal I have to share this week is one of my very own patterns. I have most of the pieces done.
Pattern: Fabian the Red Fox by Freshstitches

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Erick the Eel

Erick the Eel is now available for purchase on Ravelry!

If you purchase by December 18th its only $4! 
($1 off no coupon needed)

Make him with or without fins!
Or even multicolored!
(Tested by Ruth from Wales)

Friday, December 13, 2013

FO Friday: Super-sized!

Hey everyone!
This FO Friday will be super-sized! I haven't been posting anything in over a month which means I have tons to share today. November was a really busy month for me, with my trip to Paris, Thanksgiving, Black Friday planning and new pattern releases I really didn't have time for much else.

Lets start where I left off in my last post. I finished the pilgrim. 
Pattern: Pilgrims by Freshstitches. There is also a female pilgrim!

I frogged the frog and decided to design my own which will be released December 30th: Franklin the Frog.

I also designed an eel being released December 16th: Erick the Eel

 I released two newest designs now available for purchase on Ravelry:

I got to test another Freshstitches pattern: Gingerbread Man designed by Holly Broadbent. Great pattern especially for this time of year!

I think I may have mentioned my aunt wanted me to make her two animals for Christmas gifts, one of which was the frog that I ended up designing. The second one was a lion with a loop mane. The loops took forever but I really liked how he turned out. Modified using Freshstitches pattern Kepler the Lion.

Now on to the animals I've been working on just for fun and to add more items to the shop:

A cute sheep.
Pattern: Sherman the Sheep by Alyssa Voznak. 

A pink owl. 
Pattern: Nelson the Owl by Freshstitches.

Another wolf to add to the shop since I sold one already.
Pattern: Gabriel the Wolf by Adrialys Designs (Me)

A cute pink star! Its a free pattern too!
Pattern: Sterling the Star by Alyssa Voznak.

And another lion that actually follows the pattern exactly.
Pattern: Kepler the Lion by Freshstitches.

Now just a little bit about my trip to Paris. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed it and would love to go back someday. I was only there 5 days. It rained 3 of the days we were there but that didn't stop us. I literally walked all day everyday and was so tired but it was worth it. I visited the Louvre, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees Avenue, Palace of Versalles, Galeries Lafayette, and the Eiffel Tower twice. 

The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower was pretty cool.

I was lucky they started decorating for Christmas in the Malls. The Christmas tree in Galeries Lafayette was one of my favorite things. 

Well that's it for me this week! Have a great weekend!
If you would like to share your FO's or check out what others finished up this week check out Tami's Blog! 
Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WIP Wednesday!

I have 2 projects to share this week and a Pattern Giveaway!

First I've been working on the frog. I still have to finish the legs and I'm hoping I can share it Friday.

Second I have a pilgrim I am testing for Freshstitches. I think she will be releasing this pattern next month. Its actually smaller than I expected which is great because I think I'll be done with him Friday too.

Now for a pattern giveaway!

If you are a member of my ravelry group you could win a free pattern!

All you have to do is join if you haven't already and reply to this thread saying you would like to enter and which of my 8 patterns you would like to win. 

It will be open for a week, until October 30th. I will use to pick the winner which will be announced on October 31st. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Friday, October 18, 2013

FO Friday

Happy Friday!!

I didn't finish any projects this week because I've been busy planning a trip to Paris in November. But I do have something to share! Last weekend I finished a giant Pikachu for my cousin. I took a picture to compare the size to one of my standard size (8-9in) stuffed animals.

Here is a picture of the tail. I designed everything but the tail. Instructions for how to make the tail were found here

Have a great weekend!
Remember to come back for WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wip Wednesday 10.16

Hello! I hope everyone is having a good day! I finally have something to share that's new. I'm usually working on the same projects from one week to another so I feel it gets boring to share something that in most cases doesn't look much different that when I first shared it. For example right now I have 2 shawls, a baby blanket and several amigurumi projects that have not been touched in over a week and I'm adding more to the list. 

First up this week I am working on a frog. I started on the head Monday and haven't made much progress. My aunt ordered this and a lion last month so I really want to finish them even though she said she didn't need them until Christmas. Here is a link to the free pattern!

The second project I am working on is a neck warmer using the Knit Picks Biggo yarn I had. Its a very one since I only had one skein of yarn I didn't want to run out before I finished it so I'm using garter stitch. I actually like the way its turning out. My plan is to finish it for Friday. 

I also have at least one item to share with you all on Friday. My cousin wanted a giant pikachu to give to her boyfriend on his birthday and I only had 1 week to finish it and I did which is why I had no time to blog last week. 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wip Wednesday 10.1

First up this week is a baby bib I started yesterday. Its a free pattern designed by Elaine Fitzpatrick. Its perfect for Halloween and will be added to the shop soon! I've been working on adding items to my Etsy shop and noticed I haven't had any new bibs since February so you will probably see a lot more bibs around here. 

Next I've gotten a lot of work done on one of my mystery shawls. The second I haven't started and won't until I finish the two that are currently on the needles waiting to be finished. 

Another mystery KAL I will be participating in is a Holiday Dishcloth Mystey KAL. I got all my yarn this weekend and started one the first one. I'll share pics next week.

I also finally got around to working on a pattern I found about a year ago. Its a bear designed by Esperanza Rosas. Its so cute! I was hoping to finish it by Friday but I'm not so sure that is going to happen. 

CRAFT FAIR ADVICE NEEDED! So yesterday on my way home I saw a sign outside on a church saying that they were looking for vendors for a craft fair October 26th. It only provides a number so I'll have to call and ask for details but before that I wanted to see if anyone had any advice for what I should ask! I've never participated in any type of fair before so I'm not sure what the important information is.

 I went online to see if I could find out more info and actually found another craft fair at another church which is $30 inside on November 9th and they provide a table and 2 chairs. I'm thinking I might be able to do both but I'm not sure. I currently have about 70 items to sell and I have about a month to work on more. Would that be enough? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

Don't forget to come back for Finished Object Friday!