
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Monsters & a New Design!

First, I want to announce that my Etsy Shop Adrialys Handmade Creations will open on Monday, November 12! I'm so excited! I added a tab under pages on the left which is linked to my Etsy. Right now it only takes you to my profile page. You can add me to your circle if you would like and make sure to check it out when it opens. I will of course keep posting about it until then. :)

On to what I was doing this past weekend. Well since its Halloween I decided to work on some Monsters! I was working on the monsters available for free on I finished two and still have these four more to do. Most of the parts I finished crocheting and all I need to do now is sew them up. I doubt that I will get all four done by Friday but I do have two monsters to show. Any of these that I finish will be an extra treat. 

The one other thing that I worked on is my first amigurumi that I am designing. My brothers girlfriend asked me if I could make her this animal and since I didn't have a pattern of this animal already available I decided I would try to design it myself. So far I have part of the head finished. I'm really excited about it because I think its going to look awesome! I'm not going to tell you what animal it is but as I make some progress you will be able to guess. I'm thinking that if everything goes as planned I will make the pattern available for purchase. 

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fo Friday: Polar Bear, Owl, & Monsters!

Its FO Friday again and I have four cuties to show this week. I can't believe how fast the days go by. Next week is Halloween and in no time it will be Christmas. 

Well the first is a cute polar bear! I'm actually really excited to show ya'll this little guy because I didn't actually make mother did! She loved seeing all the cuties I make and asked me to show her how to make one. I thought since it was her first time making amigurumi that a bear was the way to go. She crocheted all the parts. She is an expert crocheter by the way and was the one who taught me to crochet. So her stitches are absolutely perfect. It was easy teaching her to make amigurumi. The only thing she doesn't like is sewing so I did that for her.

This second animal I love. Its a super cute owl. This is the third time I make this animal but the first time it looks almost like the sample from the pattern. I've always had an issue with putting the face circles where they are supposed to go but this time I think its right. I almost don't want to sell him but he will be up for sale when my shop opens which by the way I think will be sometime next month!

So like I said at the beginning of this post next week its Halloween. I still haven't entered anything into the Freshstitches Halloween Cal but I did start the 10 free monster patterns and this is the first one that's finished! Doesn't look very halloweenish but I like him.

The last project of the week is this cute monster. The second of the 10 free patterns. This one was a little complicated because the three antennas are held up with pipe cleaners and its the first time I use them for an amigurumi but I think it turned out good. If there was one thing I would change on this monster, I would have made it eye black and not pink. 

Well that't it for today. I am currently working on four more monsters and hopefully they will be done in time for Halloween. Have a Great Weekend!

Check out more FO's on Tami's Blog!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WIP Wednesday!

As many of you may already know I finished making all of the animals from Stacey Trock's 2nd book Crocheted Softies back in August. Well I've been featured on the Martingale blog Stitch This! There is the group picture and an interview check it out here.

This week I started working on the hermit crab. A freshstitches pattern as always. I used Berroco Vintage and I really like how its turning out. The shell is almost done only three rows left. I still have the claws left and eyes so hopefully it will be done by Friday. 

The second is an animal I started some weeks ago and I finally got around to working on it. At first I was planning on using a light blue for the bill and feet but after some thinking I went for this green color. The only problem was that I didn't realize I didn't have that much left and so I need to get more in order to finish the last two feet. They don't have anymore of it in my LYS so I will have to order some online which means this one will be on hold for a while.

The purple dragon has not been finished but I might make some time to finish her up on Thursday. 

No progress has been made on the baby blanket and I probably won't work on it for the next two weeks.

My entry for the Freshstitches Halloween Cal is still undecided so I am planning on working on all 10 of the free monster patterns and will probably use one of all of those for the Cal. If ya'll are interesting in these free patterns check out

For FO Friday I have one of the 10 monsters finished and I also finished a cute owl this weekend so make sure and come back to check them out on Friday!

For more WIP's check out Tami's Blog!

Friday, October 19, 2012

FO Friday: Tiny Owls, a snail, a turtle, & a dragon!

Aren't they just adorable?! I am testing another pattern for Freshstitches and since these were super tiny I had the perfect excuse to make more than one. The brown was the very first one I made and probably my favorite but I love them all. Here is a close up of each.

Which is your favorite?

I also finished a dragon I started back in September. Its the first time I use buggy eyes and I really like the way it looks. 

The next one I finished was this cute snail. I think I may have overstuffed the shell so it was a little complicated to attach but I think the next time I make one it will be a lot easier. 

The last animal for today is the turtle! I finally finished it and I have to say its so cute and a lot easier to make than I had originally imagined. 
I haven't worked on the purple dragon anymore because I wanted to finish these up first but now that they are done its the next thing on my list. Hopefully I will have some time to finish it up this weekend.
I did get a chance to work on the platypus. I finished the head and the body so all that's left is the bill, eyes, and feet. I'm thinking that will get done this weekend also.
Well that's it for today have a great weekend!

For more FO's check out Tami's Blog!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wip Wednesday: Tiny Owls

This weekend I worked on some very cute tiny owls! Its another pattern I am testing for Freshstitches. I have one already finished and it will be up Friday along with these four cuties. They are so quick to make so I thought why not make one in each color! The only thing really stopping me now is that I am almost out of white yarn so I need to order some more first. I'm still debating on whether to buy from Jimmy Beans Wool or Webs this time.

The second project of the week is this cute girly dragon. I actually started this some time ago but never got around to finishing it until now. I also was working on another dragon which I finished already and will be showing on Friday. I'm not making any promises on this one being finished since I really want to finish up the tiny owls first. 

This third project I talked about last week. Its the turtle I had only shown a really bad picture of the shell last week but this week I am showing all the parts. I only have to sew the parts on. Its the first thing on my to do list so if all goes as planned I will have him done and show him to ya'll finished on Friday! 

So now on to some exciting news non-crochet related. As you may have noticed I changed the look of my blog! I've been working on opening my Etsy shop for a while now and its coming soon but for now I'm just happy that I finally decided on getting the look picked out. I bought this business Etsy shop set from Sarah Rubendall . These sets are usually $25 and I got it during a sale for $15. The set comes with several shop banners, avatars, an address label and a business card. I used the avatar that came with the set as part of my banner at the top of this blog. One more thing I can check off my to do list. I'm still working on making more things to put up for sale and am working on the descriptions and all that for each individual item. I also want to take some really good pictures. I don't like rushing into things and not doing them the right way so I won't open it until I think its ready! :)

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!

Friday, October 12, 2012

FO Friday: Monsters & a Giant Squid!

You can tell its almost Halloween because I've been working on some monsters! Okay they don't look too scary but they are still monsters. Speaking of Halloween I still need to start my entry for the Freshstitches Halloween Cal. I've been so busy with other animals I haven't had time to think about what I am going to make yet. Maybe this weekend I can spend some time brainstorming and start the project. 

Going back to the Monsters of this week. I just realized they look very girly. I guess I was just in the mood of using pink yarn. This one above is the ball monster from the Design your own monster craftsy class. I decided to add my personal touch to the mouth instead of following the instructions. I am planning on adding this one to my shop once it opens. 

The second monster is from my recent purchase of Freshstitches patterns. Again I used pink (the same from my bird from last week) and decided to use up some mint color that I used on mu purple mint owl also from last week. I am planning to use up yarn that isn't a full skein on my smaller amigurumi. This will also be for sale soon. 

I know its October and we shouldn't be thinking about the beach and sea animals anymore but I couldn't resist making the Freshstitches Giant Squid that came with the big bundle I bought recently. He is really big compared to the other animals. I needed to use a full skein of yarn in order to have enough and this purple was perfect. I was really excited to finish him that I actually got him done in less than 2 days! 

Well that's it for this week.  
My goal for next week is to finish 2 dragons I started a while ago and maybe the blue platypus. One of the dragons is really close to getting finished so I know I will at least have one to show. 

I am working on the baby blanket slowly but I am. 
I know I had an animal on Wednesday that I said guess what it was and come check it out today to see if your guess was right...well I actually had that in a project bag and forgot all about it until now so I didn't finish him. I did finish crocheting all the parts but I still have to sew everything on. I had one person, Minding my own stitches, guess and she was right it is a turtle and for sure it will be finished next Friday! 

Have a great weekend!

For more FO's check out Tami's Blog!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WIP Wednesday

This week I am focusing on 4 things. Only 3 of which I will actually show in this post. Sorry the pictures are not very good. The one thing I am working on that I will not have a picture of is a pattern I am testing. It's not a secret I just don't have a picture so I won't give anymore details for now. Maybe you will see the completed object Friday...

My main project of the week is this baby blanket that I talked about last Wednesday. I have only done about 5 rows but hopefully I will get more done in the next couple of days.  I really love the way its looking and can't wait to see it completely finished. 

This next project is another animal from Freshstitches. Can anyone guess what it is? It will be done for Friday so make sure and come back to see if you guess was right! 

Here is another animal I started. I know I shouldn't start more until I finish all the other ones I have started but I can't help myself especially since I just got 30+ new patterns. Anyway this one is the giant squid and I was working on it in the evening so the picture doesn't look too great. I think it will look really good when I finish it but I'm not sure if I will have enough yarn...

I have two monsters I will be showing on Friday so make sure you come back and check them out!

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!

Friday, October 5, 2012

FO Friday!

I finished 3 animals this week!

 The only one I showed as a work in progress was the owl. I finally finished him up. It took me forever to finish him because I didn't know what color to use for the eye circles since it had to match with the mint and purple but finally I decided to try out the white and it was perfect!

I also had this really pretty pink in my stash and since I only had 2 blue birds I wanted to make a girly bird and it turned out really good. I really want to make different color birds like one of each color so I might be making more of these. I really like them because I finish them up so fast and there is very little sewing to do. 

This last one I really like. Its a new pattern I bought from the Freshstitches big bundle I bought last Monday. I really like how the colors look together. I am already planning what color combinations I want to use to make more. The circles are actually much smaller than I thought so they are quick to make.

I didn't get a chance to take a photo of the finished crocodile bib so I'll leave that for next Friday.
I also finished the pink monster I was working on and that will be up next week too.

Have an awesome weekend!

For more FO's check out Tami's blog!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Bringing back some old projects!

I have a couple of things I am working on this week. Like every week I am working on Amigurumi. I acutally finished up 3 on Monday that I will be showing for FO Friday. I just bought the Big Bundle from the Freshstitches Etsy Shop so I have 30 new patterns to make. Plus Stacey designed 10 Monster patterns that are available free at Knitting Fever. Two patterns will be released every week until Halloween and there are four available now. I actually got to test one of the out for Stacey a while back so I only have 3 more to do and one of them I am currently working on and that's Alfo the one in purple. I still have a lot to do so I don't think he will be done this week. I also started another platypus this time I am making him with blues for a boy. The last one is a monster from the Design your own Monster class on Craftsy

So I have a couple of projects that I started months ago and haven't gotten around to finishing so I decided I am going to bring some back to work on. My plan is to work on the most recent ones first and then move on to working on some that are not even started. This week I am going to attempt to work on two of them. My plan isn't to get them finished quick its just to at least get some rows done every day. I feel like if I don't have a project in front of me or somewhere for me to be reminded of it I forget it completely. I come across them every time I clean and organize my craft area but nothing ever gets done. The first one is a baby blanket I started and was really excited about it at first but then I stopped working on it and forgot about it until now. It's the Round Ripple baby afghan and so easy to make. I want to get at least 3-5 rows done today. 

The second project is for my mother. Its the Classic Triangle with eyelets and old shale lace I found on ravelry. It's also pretty easy and and I also want to get a couple of rows done on that. I should probably try to finish this one first because my mother had been asking me when it will be done and I keep putting it off. 

This last project I talked about last week but I only had one square finished then now I have all 6 done. Its still considered a WIP until I get the other 5 squares to finish the cowl. For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about basically in the freshstitches group on ravelry some of us are making 6 granny squares we will send 5 of them to Hollie who will then send us back 5 squares each from a different person and then each of us will have a Freshstitches BFF Cowl. Any one can join as long as you are a member of the group. I will probably be sending mine sometime this week. 

I haven't worked on the socks since last week...
The Crocodile baby bib will be done for Friday!

Check out more WIP's on Tami's Blog!